With a total of 396 hours of work from Avondale volunteers and career staff, the Avondale Floor project is done! Avondale crews worked hard for two weekends to take out the exhaust system within the station. Avondale was awarded a grant in the amount of $116,684 from Christina Sappey's office to epoxy the floor in the Engine Bay, Ambulance Bay and Gear Room. Avondale crews couldn’t have done it without the help of our neighbors at New Garden Township for lending us the Jack Hammer, Guizzetti Mushroom Farm for lending us the dump truck and G & A Clanton Inc for the donated concrete! The donations saved Avondale Fire Company about $35,000. The epoxy is planned to be laid in June when the weather is nicer so our apparatus can be outside for a few days!
Avondale Fire Company
Avondale crews dug out the Inger Dog system
Concrete was filled into the holes
Firefighter Carroll assisted in laying concrete
Firefighter Melton also assisted in leveling out concrete