At 1050 hours on Christmas morning, the department was alerted to the Route 1 bypass for an automobile accident. West Grove EMS was also alerted due to our ambulance being on a previous emergency medical call. The 911 center advised Chief 23 that 911 callers were advising one vehicle was into a guard rail at mile marker 19.3. Chief 23 and WGFC EMS arrived to find a vehicle had struck the guard rail and the driver was out of the vehicle. Squad and Engine 23 arrived and assumed a block position before the incident for safety. Fire crews handled hazards on the scene and removed roadway debris. The driver was not injured and refused EMS services allowing WGFC EMS to be released by Chief 23. Once the tow company arrived and removed the vehicle the company cleared at 1140 hours.
As many members were sitting down with their families for Christmas dinner, the Avondale Fire Company was dispatched to the 1200 Block of Newark Road in New Garden Township for a reported trailer on fire that was spreading to a box truck at 1531 hours. Chief 23 arrived at 1533 hours with fire showing from a 53' box trailer used for storage on the property. The fire was spreading into a box truck with a commercial building exposed. With this report, Squad 19 (Hockessin), and Engine 24 (Kennett) responded to the incident. Squad 23 arrived, pulled their handline and handled fire suppression on both the box truck and the box trailer. Squad 19 arrived, suppliedSquad 23 with their tank of water and provided manpower. Tanker 23 and Engine 24 arrived and assisted with different tasks on the fire grounds. Engine 36 (Po-Mar-Lin) was clearing a call in the area of our incident so command had Engine 36 report to the scene for staging and standing-by for the area. Tanker 24 was also staffed and stood-by at their station for the area. The fire was placed under control at 1559 hours, with the incident being scaled back to 23 units. Final units cleared the incident at 1659 hours
The cause of the fire is under investigation by the New Garden Township Fire Marshal's Office. |